I’ve been in Dover since September 9, hoping to swim to France and back – about 46 miles — with Dave Barra, Willie Miller and Steve Shtab, the three people I most enjoy swimming with. The weather, as is often the case near the English Channel, hasn’t cooperated. But no regrets.
by Terry Laughlin
Posted on August 23rd, 2009
An article in the NY Times described the tendency of people, who lack visual cues, to walk in circles. This is precisely what happens to swimmers in open water. Here’s a brief summary of the Times article:
by Terry Laughlin
Posted on August 17th, 2009
I just received a gift copy of the book Born to Run from TI enthusiast Ben Lawrence of State College PA.
No, not the song by The Boss. The book by Christopher Mc Dougall about the Tarahumara Indians, who are geniuses at distance running.
by Terry Laughlin
Posted on August 11th, 2009
Heart rate should probably be a byproduct – rather than a goal – of your swim training program. Even if you swim for fitness. Your goal should be (1) Improve; (2) Save Energy; (3) Imprint efficient movement on your nervous system. As you do, your cardiovascular system will receive healthful stimulus.
by keith
Posted on August 7th, 2009
by Terry Laughlin
Posted on March 30th, 2009
Another email exchange with my friend, photographer G. Steve Jordan. I’ve been advising Steve as he transitions from LEARNING new stroke habits with TI, to PRACTICING AND MEMORIZING with whole-stroke practice, combining Mindful Swimming (stroke thoughts or focal points) and SPLs. >>Terry- Do you ever sleep?! Thanks for the very helpful advice! I’ll pick up […]