Video: What makes a swimmer efficient?
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on November 23rd, 2010

Height is one factor that contributes to stroke efficiency (or taking fewer strokes per length). But Balance is more important.

Why does Alberto Salazar sound like a TI Coach?
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on November 21st, 2010

Some call Alberto Salazar the savior of American distance running. He sounds uncannily like a TI Swim Coach.

Cast your Vote: Focal Points or Stroke Thoughts
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on November 21st, 2010

Your chance to cast a vote for the permanent and standard term for the thoughts that guide your stroke-improvement practice.

Balance, Closed Eyes, and the “Monkey Mind”
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on November 20th, 2010

Closing your eyes can help you learn fine skills faster. It also helps transform swimming into a moving meditation.

Want to Swim 200 Fly at any age? Balance & Streamline.
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on November 19th, 2010

How “Balance-Streamline-Propel” helped cure a 40-year “Butterfly Problem” in a few weeks.

Swim for Pleasure rather than Fitness
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on November 18th, 2010

Swim for peak experiences, rather than for fitness or strength.

What I learned on Day One as a Coach
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on November 18th, 2010

How I learned to coach by sight, rather than the clock, in the first two workouts I ever ran.

TI History on Radio
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on November 17th, 2010

Listen to a 10-minute interview covering the history of TI from the Passion People radio program from Singapore.

Push Past Pain? Not!
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on November 7th, 2010

The world’s best athletes – in contrast to those chasing them – are most likely to experience a pain-free flow state in their best races. That will work best for the rest of us too.

Do you swim for Exercise . . . or Flow?
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on November 6th, 2010

When you make swimming with grace an explicit and high-value goal, you transform swimming from Exercise into a Flow State and create happiness as well as health and fitness.