This is a guest post by TI Coach Gary Fahey. A blog post discussing kick strategies landed in my inbox a couple of weeks ago, much of it advocating a six-beat kick (6BK) for all but the most skilled of swimmers. While I disagree with this premise and the example presented […]
Posts Tagged ‘swimming skills’
How Efficient Is Your Freestyle?
by Terry Laughlin
Posted on November 8th, 2013
by Terry Laughlin
Posted on November 8th, 2013
If you regularly read my posts you’re probably aware of the DARPA study which showed that human swimmers are only 3% efficient–as compared to the 80% efficiency of dolphins. (I.E. Dolphins convert 80% of energy expenditures into forward motion; in contrast humans divert 97% of energy into moving around in the water and moving the […]
How to Swim Faster by Stroking Slower (AND Faster)
by Terry Laughlin
Posted on February 15th, 2013
by Terry Laughlin
Posted on February 15th, 2013
How stroking ‘slow AND fast’ at the same time, will move you through the water faster.