Posts Tagged ‘mindfulness’

How should you practice when you only have 30 minutes?
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on November 28th, 2009

When time is short, choose the practice method that will benefit you the most. Sometimes that may mean 30 minutes of 25- or 50-yard repeats!

Is Swimming a Neurological Deficit?
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on November 26th, 2009

Understanding swimming as an example of a “neurological deficit” to be solved in the same way other such deficits are may be an aid to achieving greater mastery.

Its All in Your Mind: Improving Through Mindfulness
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on November 11th, 2009

I learned to focus not on the clock but on how I’m feeling and moving — that is, process, not outcome. Improved performance, it seems, follows improved mindfulness.

Your “Brain Training” session for today
by Terry Laughlin

Posted on November 9th, 2009

Training your brain is the key to swimming well – indeed to excellence in anything. Here’s a sample swimming set that will develop habits of clear intention and attentive repetition at the same time it develops efficient movement habits.