Kaizen helps you envisiion a life of boundless possibility. But it does so by teaching you to give loving attention to a single moment or action, the one you’re performing this moment.
Archive for the ‘Mindful Swimming’ Category
by Terry Laughlin
Posted on December 18th, 2011
Let go of the usual goal of Getting to the Other End of the pool. Your new goal is to Be Aware of Every Stroke.
by Terry Laughlin
Posted on December 2nd, 2011
Completing a marathon in six months can’t really change your life. But immersive experiences today can.
by Terry Laughlin
Posted on August 20th, 2011
Swim the first few minures (or as long as you like) easily and attentively to learn What Is. Then devote the rest of practice to improving it.
by Terry Laughlin
Posted on August 19th, 2011
Four strategies for building a ‘cocoon of calm’ in open water and three ways to calm and center yourself if ‘anxiety happens.’
by Terry Laughlin
Posted on August 10th, 2011
An emphasis on smoother, quieter, more *precise* strokes (the opposite of what your instincts urge you to do) is revealed as the best way to improve your mile pace.
by Terry Laughlin
Posted on August 4th, 2011
How did 58-year old Steve Howard improve his pace per 100 yards by 20 percent in two weeks? By focusing on Stroke Count and Tempo, instead of yards swum.
by Terry Laughlin
Posted on July 18th, 2011
Twenty years ago, when I began trying to change my stroke from Habitually Human to Mindfully Fishlike, it soon became clear I’d need to rewire my brain for Purposeful Attention first.
by Terry Laughlin
Posted on April 30th, 2011
Swimming efficiently in a race setting must begin with conscious, intentional practice organized around learning Balance and Streamline skills that don’t come naturally.
by Terry Laughlin
Posted on April 22nd, 2011
Nearly every choice you make about planning practices and sets should be driven primarily by whether your repeats strengthen your ability to stay efficient at a range of distances, tempos or paces.